Career Oriented Three Month Certificate Courses

Designed with students’ employability needs in mind, these courses deliver knowledge that is in-demand as careers these days. The modern, multi-media teaching style also ensures maximum exposure to industry professionals and trends in employer organizations.


Our Course Features

The Courses are designed with students’ employability needs in mind, these courses deliver knowledge that is in-demand as careers these days. The modern, multi-media teaching style also ensures maximum exposure to industry professionals and trends in employer organisations.

  • Global and industry-oriented curriculum spread over  3 month
          Modern pedagogy, application learning
          Expert and industry interaction
          Select from online or offline teaching mode
  • 40 minute classes day monday to friday
  • Certificate will be issued by Pandit Jagat Ram Memorial FORCE Trust.


Course Fees for 3 Month Certificate – Rs 1455/-

Download Registration Form OR Submit Registration Online


Our Course Offerings

Vermi composting

Vermicompost is increasingly becoming the popular choice for agriculture, horticulture and gardening. It is also being promoted by the government as an earth friendly fertilizer and as a substitute for chemical fertilizers. Designed to give students an employment and consultancy advantage over regular students, the course covers information about vermicompost characteristics and uses, method of making it, tools and techniques available, government rules and schemes. 25% classes will be taken by industry /government officials or practitioners for greater practical exposure. With high stress on practical learning, this course will help students in not just getting employment but also in starting vermicompost making and selling business. This specialization is much in demand in industry, the non-profit sector and has high consultancy potential.

  • Types of fertilizers,
  • Vermicompost – characteristics and benefits;
  • Method of making vermicompost;
  • Quality controls for vermicompost;
  • Laws, regulations, schemes;
  • Entrepreneurship in Vermi-composting

25% course by industry experts

75% by experienced faculty as per subject

Online: 40 min Monday to Friday


Candidates who have completed atleast Class 10th.

Rs. 1,455/-

Mushroom Cultivation

Mushrooms are fast becoming a popular food choice especially in urban India. It is also emerging as a popular entrepreneurship option for farmers and youth. Designed to give students an employment and consultancy advantage over regular students, the course covers information about the types of mushrooms, markets for them, method of growing them, tools and techniques available, latesttrends, government rules and schemes. 25% classes will be taken by industry /government officials or practitioners for greater practical exposure. This specialization is much in demand as an entrepreneurship option, in the non-profit sector and has high consultancy potential.

  • Understanding Mushroomsand types of mushrooms;
  • Popular Mushroom,
  • Varieties- characteristics and markets,
  • Methods of growing mushrooms,
  • Quality controls;
  • Laws, regulations,
  • schemes Entrepreneurship in Mushroom Growing

25% course by industry experts

75% by experienced faculty as per subject

Online: 40 min Monday to Friday

Candidates who have completed atleast 10th.

Rs. 1,445/-

Bee keeping

Demand for honey has been steadily rising in the past few years as people become more health conscious. Bees are also being increasingly recognised for their importance in maintaining a healthy environmental eco-system. Designed to give students an employment and consultancy advantage over regular students, the course covers information about the global movement to save bee populations, understand more about bees, tools and techniques available for bee keeping, latest trends, government rules and schemes. 25% classes will be taken by industry /government officialsor practitioners for greater practical exposure. This will also help students connect with potential employers. This specialization is much in demand as an entrepreneurship option, the non-profitsector and has high consultancy potential.

  • Bees and their importancein environmental protection;
  • Understanding Bees;
  • Bee Keeping Methods;
  • Tools and Techniques for Bee Keeping;
  • Laws, regulations
  • schemes;
  • entrepreneurship in BeeKeeping

25% course by industry experts

75% by experienced faculty as per subject

Online: 40 min Monday to Friday

Candidates who have completed atleast 10th.

Rs. 1,445/-

English Speaking Course

For Professional growth, communication in digital spaces and even in personal life in today’s globalised world, English speaking is now a necessity. Excellent communication skills in English can help you land a job in a multinational company within your country or abroad. English is a language that helps in international communication, and it is the language of the internet and of business in India and abroad. So, learning English doesn’t only help you get a job, but it also enables you to socialise. One never regrets learning English because it works as a magic key to new doors. Designed to give learners the confidence to read, write and talk in English fluently, this course uses innovative ways of teaching and practical learning. Those applying for IELTS will also benefit from this course.

  • Vocabulary and Word Recognition;
  • Pronunciation of Words;
  • decreasing mother tongue influence;
  • Phonetics;
  • Spoken Skills;
  • Grammar;
  • Writing Skills;
  • IELTS Test structure; Practice Sessions

Internationally travelled,

highly educated,

international writers and fluent in English team

Offline: 40 min Monday to Friday

Candidates who have  apply 10th,12th  and any degree.

Rs. 1,445/-