Pandit Jagat Ram Bhargava School for Profitable & Actionable Resource Conservation


Spreading awareness and knowledge about water & resource conservation and profitable, water efficient, climate resilient life style…

A Message From

Our Founder

In villages, many younger generation youth are unwilling to take up farming as a profession since they believe that agriculture is not profitable. The root cause – lack of water and information, access or the ability to adopt water efficient, resource efficient, high income generating methods of farming.

PJRB SPARC has been set up with the intent to fill this gap. Through our specialized courses, training programs, consultations, innovations and outreach projects, we want to spread knowledge about profitable, sustainable Agriculture

Our Vision

To make a climate friendly, healthy, food & water abundant world by facilitating a shift towards water & resource efficient life style

Our Mission

To Educate, Innovate, Inspire and Enable a shift towards climate resilient, resource efficient, sustainable, profitable, healthy living